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أوتيزم كلوب هاوس هو نادي لأصحاب الهمم والتوحد وأسرهم. تم إطلاقه في شهر التوعية بالتوحد 2021 ، بالتزامن مع إعلان صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم ، رئيس مجلس الوزراء ، نائب رئيس الدولة حاكم دبي ، السياسة الوطنية للأشخاص المصابين بالتوحد في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ضمن مجلس الوزراء لعام 2021.

فعل الشيء الصحيح ، في الوقت المناسب.

  • فعل الشيء الصحيح ، في الوقت المناسب.
    - برمجة زيارات ميدانية لمراكز التوحد بالدولة.
    - تنظيم وتقديم المحاضرات والمنتديات التوعوية عبر المنصات الإلكترونية.
    - تنظيم فعاليات سنوية مثل ورش العمل التعليمية التي تهدف إلى دمج وتطوير المهارات لأصحاب الهمم والتوحد.
    - تنظيم المؤتمرات الطبية للتوعية والدعم.
     - تقديم هدايا تذكارية لأصحاب الهمم والتوحد.
     - توفير منتجات غذائية لأصحاب الهمم والتوحد.
    - تقديم خصومات على الخدمات المقدمة بمراكز التوحد.
    - تقديم خصومات على الخدمات المقدمة بمراكز التوحد.
المتطوعون & أعضاء الشرف و السفراء

أعضاء شرف ، السفراء ، الدول (الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، الاتحاد الأوروبي ، المملكة المتحدة ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية)

The international initiative (autism club house) was launched in the In Autism Awareness Month for the year 2021 coinciding with the announcement of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister, Vice President of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai about the national policy for people with autism disorder from the UAE Cabinet for the year 2021

On the occasion of World Autism Day, and to commemorate the activities of the Autism Awareness Month, a group of autism centers with a group of local and international initiatives concerned with autism cases launched the idea of an initiative to support people of determination and autism in the United Arab Emirates and in the European Union - The Hague and announced The Autism Club House initiative covers its activities in the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of the Netherlands - The Hague, and the United Kingdom - London.

This initiative, through cooperation between Emirati , European Union and the United Kingdom  centers , presents a series of events, field visits and awareness lectures for people of determination and autism, in addition to providing various products, whether food, treatment, gifts, clothes for autistic children, and providing offers and Treatment discounts for autistic children and their families benefit Up to 50%, through its digital platform, provided by sponsors and honorary members of the Autism House Club . It is also based on the application of best practices in the countries of the world while ensuring that the national policy for autism is followed, as the latter constitutes an integrated system of unified procedures and standards to provide easier services for people with autism and their parents, in addition to qualifying and raising the efficiency of specialized cadres working in specialized centers and raising the level of environmental quality. It aims to enhance community awareness of autism spectrum disorder, facilitate the integration of people with autism into public and private education, and ensure their participation in various fields..

The adoption of the National Policy for People with Autism Disorder is the culmination of the UAE’s continuous efforts in this field, and its constant endeavor to provide the finest treatment services for this important and dear group. Discovering and adopting their potential and talents, and raising the level of efficiency of rehabilitation services and programs in entities and institutions concerned with autism.

Autism club house membership is obtained by “invitation only” as stipulated in the bylaw of the initiative. Honorary autism club house membership is divided into 6 categories as follows:

  • الفئة الأولى (الشريك الاستراتيجي )
  • الفئة الثانية ( الماسي ) .
  • الفئة الثالثة ( الذهبي ) .
  • الفئة الرابعة ( الفضي ) .
  • الفئة الخامسة ( البرونزي ) .
  • الفئة السادسة ( المشارك ) .